High-precision welding in a rib configuration.

sample of Precision welding for molds.

High-precision welding in a rib configuration.

Padding is welded on in order to reconfigure a rib section. Re-cutting is required and as a result the technician needs to weld without bubbling, marking or cracking.

Edge padding in a circular configuration.

sample of Precision welding for molds.

Edge padding in a circular configuration.

Mold edges and angles tend to get damaged easily. In this photograph, we have carried out edge padding in a circle using 0.1 mm solvent. After finishing, this technique allows edges to be restored.

Welding of padding within a given frame.

sample of Precision welding for molds.

Welding of padding within a given frame.

This welding is carried out within a certain area that has been marked off. We use precision laser welders to weld padding down to the hundredths of a millimeter.

Shape recovery for blade edges.

sample of Precision welding for molds.

Shape recovery for blade edges.

Our precision TIG welder allows us to carry out ultrafine padding. This is an extremely valuable type of welding which only a small number of technicians are capable of performing, even at Hashimoto Industry.

Shape recovery through welding.

sample of Precision welding for molds.

Shape recovery through welding.

It is possible to carry out high-precision welding with little impact on the surrounding dimensions. We are also able to keep sink marks to a minimum.